Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fairy Done

I haven't posted in a very long while but spent 6 months working on this fairy and managed to get it done for Xmas. I have been very busy working and getting ready for Xmas. I would like to wish all the stitching sisters and friends a Merry Christmas. I will be super busy now as I have 15 people for Xmas dinner and I have to finish my baking and getting ready. Hoping everyone has a wonderful feastive time.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Monday, October 3, 2011

No stitching last week

I am sad to say I got absolutely no stitching done last week. I have been very busy painting a kitchen and redoing a bathroom. They both look great but I missed getting any stitching done. Maybe I can get to stitching this week.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Enchanted Needle

Today I had a nice visit with my daughter in Toronto and glad to say everything will get back to normal. On my way home I decided to stop at The Enchanted Needle to get a couple of yards of material. Now what x-stitch store does not have a yard of white or antique white. This is about the 3rd time have have stopped there on my way home and needless it will be my last time I stop. The answer is always the same from the owner that she needs to order material. I guess I will have to go to the states lol.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fairy Half Done

It has been along time since I have made an entry in my blog but have been very busy with all kinds of summer stuff and a little bit of stitching. My fairy is now over half done and only two and a half pages left to do before Xmas.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fairy Starting Over

After finishing Page 1 of the fairy I realized I had made a big mistake. The pencil I used as a graph was not  soft lead and after many different attempts I decided to start the fairy over. I would not have been happy with the finished product and better to loose a month of work than to finish it and not like it. I started all over but this time I did page 2 and page 3 first for a change which is in the above picture. A lesson well learned and I won't make that mistake again and I am much happier with this so far.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fairy Page 1

Well! I finished Page 1 of the fairy and only 5 more pages to go. A great friend of mine tells me the pencil marks will wash out and I sure hope so. On to the next page.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Friday, June 10, 2011

Needle Gnome

I had to make a trip to Brampton so while in the area I went over to the Needle Gnome in Acton. I was very good cause I just went in and purchased a yard of material and did not leave with any new projects to add to my stash. Normally I would purchase this in Brantford but that is not an option for me anymore.

now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thunder Storm

Well! We had a thunder storm last night and two doors down from my house this tree fell across the road at about 7pm. Needless to say we lost our power and it finally came on at lunch time today. The worse part about this is it is really hard to stitch by candle light. How did people use to do this at night? That's my news up here in Barrie.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Moon Lit Waters (Fairy)

I was having a conversation with my daughter the other day and told her I was working on my Santa. She reminded me that I was going to do this fairy for her and she was hoping I would give it to her for Xmas. I did her brother and fiance one for Xmas last year and she says she doesn't have one. That part is wrong because I had made her quite a few when she was very small but haven't done anything in years for her. So needless to say I have put my Santa on hold and maybe one of these years I will get back to it. This will give Jayne time to catch up with her loones lol. This fairy is a Heaven and Earth one but it is in mini form so I should be able to finish it before Xmas. What is one more project on the go........

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch
Jan (Inch)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Back from retreat

Got to the retreat on Thursday and I managed to finish Page 5 of Long Winters Nap. The retreat was a wonderful weekend with lots of stitching and lots of laughing. I am very lucky to be associated with some extremely talented ladies with lots of wonderful stitching projects. Needless to say the weekend was a great time and I can't wait until we do it all again next year.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch
Jan (Inch)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't like Sunday Nights

I am getting so I don't like Sunday's anymore. First off my hubby now works in Toronto so he has to go back to Toronto after supper on Sunday's. He is usually gone for 4 days and back on Thursday night. Needless to say it is pretty quiet her during the week. Also I usually have to go to work now on Monday's. This will be a short week this week and can hardly wait until Thursday to go to retreat.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Retreat time

It has been a very long time since I have posted to my blog. I was away in New Brunswick for a vacation for 3 weeks which was a great trip. I saw alot of my relatives that I haven't seen in 10 years or more. It was great to get caught up with everyone.
I have also started working part time so I don't have as much time to stitch as I use to. I haven't done alot of stitching lately but I am excited to go to the retreat and the other day I finally picked up Long Winters Nap again. I am going to take this to the retreat and I am also working on a small Noel with some birds on it. Needless to say I am excited to see all the stitching sisters that I haven't seen in a very long time, See you soon girls.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Monday, March 7, 2011

Another page done

Well! I finally finished Page 4 and it is starting to look good. My biggest decision is whether to keep going across or start going down. Maybe by tomorrow I will decide which way to go and on with page 5 Yahoo.  I am not thinking of how many pages are left.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Saturday, February 19, 2011


One more off my list as I finished this little Santa and I love it. Funny you take 1 off the list and add 3 more to the list. Two weeks ago I made a quick trip to Brantford and had a great time stitching with the sisters. Sorry to say I didn't make it this week.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well! I am finally finished page 3 and I think my next page I get out of that wonderful tree. It sure has helped with all this snow so I am home stitching and it is great. My next page should be alot easier  than this tree I hope.
and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Long Winters Nap

I have finally finished page 2 of Long Winters Nap and it is starting to look like a Christmas tree now. I still have a long ways to go but I am determined to stick with this and not start any new projects.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stitchers Row

I decided to do this little one after Christmas for myself and it is now hanging on my wall.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Christmas and the holidays are over and everything is away so yesterday I finally picked up my Long Winters Nap and started working on it again and needless to say I have alot to do on that one. It is snowing here today so I will not be going down to Brantford to see the stitching sisters tonight. I will just pretend I am sitting around the big table tonight and stitch anyways.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch