Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Enchanted Needle

Today I had a nice visit with my daughter in Toronto and glad to say everything will get back to normal. On my way home I decided to stop at The Enchanted Needle to get a couple of yards of material. Now what x-stitch store does not have a yard of white or antique white. This is about the 3rd time have have stopped there on my way home and needless it will be my last time I stop. The answer is always the same from the owner that she needs to order material. I guess I will have to go to the states lol.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fairy Half Done

It has been along time since I have made an entry in my blog but have been very busy with all kinds of summer stuff and a little bit of stitching. My fairy is now over half done and only two and a half pages left to do before Xmas.

and now I leave you with an inch to stitch